HGSU-BDS Caucus of Rank-and-File Members

An unaffiliated caucus of the Harvard Graduate Students Union (HGSU-UAW 5118) fighting for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of the israeli occupation of historic Palestine

Statement on Harvard’s adoption of the IHRA working Definition of Antisemitism

A day after the inauguration of a right-wing regime, the Harvard University administration has once again chosen to capitulate to the demands of extremist donors and politicians, intensifying its assault on campus free speech and undermining principles foundational to higher education: freedom of expression and the right to dissent.The BDS caucus of rank-and-file members of the Harvard Graduate Students Union (HGSU-UAW 5118) strongly condemns Harvard University’s adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) “working definition of antisemitism,” which effectively conflates criticism of the state of Israel, contemporary Israeli policy, and the political ideology of Zionism with antisemitism.Harvard’s adoption of the so-called IHRA definition undermines the constitutionally-protected rights of its community members—including student workers—and specifically targets those who speak out against Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza and the occupation of historic Palestine. In so doing, Harvard joins the ranks of right-wing politicians and sections of the American oligarchy who have coalesced around a belligerent commitment to funding, arming, and defending Israel’s destruction of Gaza. Instead of upholding the constitutional principle of the freedom of speech, Harvard’s administration has chosen to participate in the Republican- and billionaire-led attack on their own students, student workers, staff, and faculty.In addition to its adoption of the IHRA definition, Harvard has also committed to establishing “an official partnership” with an Israeli university. Israeli universities constitute a key infrastructure of the Israeli state and its military apparatus, evidenced by the well-documented involvement of Israeli universities in developing the weapons systems, military doctrines, and strategies of dispossession employed against the Palestinian people.Harvard’s decision is particularly egregious at this moment of growing public outrage and international consensus about Israel’s criminal conduct. Instead of considering financial and institutional divestment from Israel—demanded by a significant (and growing) number of its community members for many years—Harvard has chosen to deepen its complicity in Israel’s genocide and occupation. Last week’s ceasefire in Gaza was quickly followed by a sharp escalation in Israeli military and state-backed settler violence in the West Bank. As Israeli settlers—now shielded from sanctions by the new U.S. administration—rampage through Palestinian villages in the aftermath of a fragile ceasefire, Harvard’s decision empowers Israeli aggression by suppressing voices of dissent and opposition on its own campus.

Image Credit: Sal Suri

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Image Credit: Sazi Bongwe

Image Courtesy of Sazi Bongwe

The BDS movement

The BDS movement was founded in 2005 by 170 Palestinian unions, refugee networks, professional associations, popular resistance committees, and more. It remains Palestinian-led, and calls for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel until the cessation of human rights abuses, the end of the state of apartheid, and compliance with the Palestinian right to return.While our Caucus is not officially affiliated with the BDS movement, we uphold the BDS mission, principles, and values in our work.

our Union

The BDS Caucus is an unaffiliated caucus of HGSU (UAW Local 5118), defined in Article 8 of our Union By-Laws. We view Harvard's complicity in genocide and the ongoing occupation of historic Palestine as an issue that is inherently tied to our workplaces, wages, and labor. As such, rank-and-file members organizing with the HGSU-BDS Caucus exercise our federally-protected labor rights to fight for BDS and safer and more equitable working conditions at Harvard.Student workers experiencing discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other workplace issues related to pro-Palestine organizing should fill out this secure form for support from HGSU's Contract Enforcement and Education Committee (CEEC).

Image Credit: Sazi Bongwe

Image Courtesy of Sazi Bongwe

our Coalition

The HGSU-BDS Caucus is an organizational member of the Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP) coalition

Image Credit: Nick Kowalske

Image Courtesy of Nick Kowalske


If you're interested in getting involved with the BDS Caucus, want to collaborate on an event/action, or have a question, please feel free to send us a message through the form below! If you haven't yet joined HGSU as a member, check Article 1 of Our Contract to see if you're eligible to join!

Image Credit: Anonymous

Image Courtesy of Anonymous

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HGSU-BDS Caucus of Rank-and-File Members
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